
Our partners are listeners. They’re doers. And because they all share a deep commitment to investing in nonprofit leaders serving Chicago’s South and West Side neighborhoods, they don’t shy away from rolling up their sleeves and working shoulder-to-shoulder to support our community partners’ organizational needs.  

SVP Partners are fueled by purpose-driven work and eager to develop their philanthropic muscle. No matter their professional background, gender, race or age, they recognize that funneling our collective resources — skills-based volunteerism, dollars and networks/connections — to communities that traditional philanthropy often leaves behind, helps nonprofit leaders create greater impact in those communities.

Stories from Our Partners

  • Tricia Hough

    Description goes here
  • Aaron Dannenbring

    Learn about Aaron Dannenbring’s "lasting, soulful impact of working with SVP" (and other things, too!).

  • Garrett Sheridan

    SVP Chicago sat down with Garrett Sheridan to talk about his experience with SVP Chicago and skills-based volunteerism.

  • Terra Winston

    Terra is a member of the SVPI Board of Directors, a long-time partner of SVP Chicago, and Principal of inTerract Consulting and Ringleader of inTerractions. Originally from New Jersey, she’s lived in Chicago for 23 years and is dedicated to helping others achieve their goals. Hear how SVP has helped her increase the impact of giving.

  • Tasha is smiling against a grey backdrop. She is wearing a black shirt.

    Tasha Seitz

    We sat down with SVP partner Tasha Seitz, who was instrumental in starting the SVP Chicago affiliate 10 years ago, to ask her about the development of the organization over the last decade.

Learn More:

About SVP:

SVP Chicago invests the coaching and skills-based support, money and connections of our philanthropists to help the community-based nonprofits we serve create greater impact in their South and West Side neighborhoods. We intentionally partner with nonprofits led by individuals with a strong connection to the issues they’re tackling.